Catching up with Sidra Hassan-Brown

This past year brought with it both challenges and opportunities. Finding the creative thought to infuse my art with the faces of those around me has been more of a challenge. The isolation of COVID brought with it a lack of seeing the beautiful faces of the people in this world. I miss doing portraits, especially those portraying women of my culture given the recent unfolding of tragedy in Afghanistan. Women’s rights are under direct threat there now more than ever. Watching what has been going on in Afghanistan has been difficult, to say the least. And even though my husband served in Iraq and parts of Africa, it still affected him deeply. However, here too we read about positive things that have happened and former special operations heroes who were able to assist in getting out those that they love. We have to find hope in these dark times. Hopefully, my portraits speak to the beauty and ingenuity of women and my landscapes take those people who are suffering away from tragedy they are faced with.

Recently, my husband and I focused on wrapping up our time in New York and seeking out new opportunities in Texas. We just recently relocated to San Antonio a couple months ago. I am loving the diversity and kindness of the people in the city but of course we miss the magic of NYC! My husband began teaching 5th grade at a charter school in San Antonio while I recently found work as an accountant so we could supplement our income. Moving across the country and taking new jobs has been an important lesson for us both. My husband decided to stay in his New York-based Army Reserve unit for the time being while focusing on civilian employment. I think it is worth mentioning for other military families how essential it is to have an emergency fund for future moves and to always be prepared.

In late 2020 my husband and I both contracted the pestilence known as COVID-19. Suffering through this disease was more difficult on him than me physically. However, we both suffered emotionally and continued to deal with its effects. My husband finally regained his taste and smell after a few months. Earlier this year I made the decision to focus more on my tiny paintings through Etsy as we were spending so much time indoors but still maintained a beautiful view outside our pre-war apartment in Queens. A bustling garden full of flowers shown through our window most morning before we left New York. The sparkle from the daily sunlight was my backdrop and motivation to keep creating landscapes. And of course, I made sure to take our cat, Neo, out to play in the garden too when I took breaks!

So now we find ourselves in the great state of Texas. We are loving it so far and I believe the future has so much in store for us both, not only for my art but for my husband’s mental health too which I spoke about in the past. We are optimistic and cannot wait to see what the future has in store (we are praying for kids). And finally, I would be amiss to not mention all the artists who continued their work through this pandemic. Your dedication to craft and continued donation to mankind does not go unnoticed. You inspire me, thank you for your love.

Find Sidra online at:

Instagram: @sidrahassanart and @mytiny.paintings

Etsy Shop:

Singulart Acct:


An Interview with Amra Graff, RN


An Interview with Julie Mulvihill